Dear Devotees,
As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) comes into force in the UK on 25th May 2018.
We are therefore updating our privacy policy to reflect the change in data protection laws, giving you more control over what you receive from us and how your data is processed. GDPR compliance is at the heart of Venkata Krushna Vrundavana’s team building practice so we want to ensure that technical and operational measures are in place to respect your rights.
We have identified that we hold your personal data on Mailchimp and google docs.
We have never shared your details to any third party.
For further details on how we deal with personal data with regards to collection, use, retention or transfer please get in touch with us or to request deletion of your data from our database or would like to be removed from WhatsApp groups.
Please email:
If we do not receive a response from you, we will assume that you would like us to keep your details on our database and you will continue to receive event updates about Venkata Krushna vrundavana charity activities.
Thank you for assisting us with the required compliance and enabling us to stay in contact in the future.
Kind Regards,
Venkata Krushna Vrundavana